
Nerilee Rinkquest - Head of Junior Secondary  

Meaning - An affinity for a place or situation


To belong is to know a sense of ‘fitting in’ or feeling you are an integral part of a community. For young people, the fitting in part is particularly important, but to experience a true sense of belonging, a person needs to feel they can just be themselves. To be ourselves, we need to know who we are and what is our identity in Christ. These are difficult concepts for adults to grasp, let alone for our students.


With this is in mind, we have commenced the year with the theme of belonging within our Junior Secondary community. For our Year 7 students, we have made a deliberate attempt via camp, Home Groups and specific activities, to provide time and space for students to first get to know, then come to understand, each other. 


In 2024, 45% of our Year 7 cohort are new to DCC. These students come with their own understanding of who they are. Our sincere hope is they develop strong connections and a deep sense of belonging with both their classmates and teachers as quickly as possible. Attending Year 7 camp early in the year is a major contributing factor to this growth and in this instance the change was palpable when we returned to school in Week 4.


In Year 8 we have been intentional in working to develop the culture of the cohort. Activities are provided which extend students' learning both academically and emotionally. The students recently participated in an assembly where we discussed the power of tiny gains. Leaning into the concept of ‘one percenters’ they looked at how if each student positively contributed by as little as just 1% each day, those seemingly small gains would continually shape the culture of the DCC community. By the time they finish Year 12 the impact would be significant. 


Hearing the students adopt this language around the school yard and encourage the positive one percenters they’ve encountered has been extremely gratifying. Looking after their own wellbeing and looking out for the wellbeing of others is an integral part of understanding who they are and how they belong to their community at Donvale.


We finished the term with our Year 9s venturing off grid for their wilderness journey. I had the great privilege of journeying with a group of young women who quickly realised they needed to trust in me, each other, and their guide. Most importantly though, they needed to trust in God. There is no better way to work out who you are, and how dependent you are upon a group of people, than when everything is stripped away and you have no option other than to rely on each other. 


Students reflecting on their time at DCC often cite the Year 9 Wilderness experience as a highlight of their schooling journey at Donvale. 


When students are encouraged and guided through activities designed to help them gain insight about who they are; and are then provided with occasions to share that with their peers and staff, they realise they DO belong. These opportunities provide a solid foundation going forward, so students can experience feelings of belonging wherever they are. This is the culmination of understanding who they are and how God has created them to belong.