Learning in Action!

Tanya Vaughan, Deputy Principal - Head of Primary 

It’s been a short, punchy term – one that has been filled with relationship building, learning and plenty of memorable moments for all members of the Primary School to enjoy.


As educators, when we plan learning experiences, we start with the end in mind as we consider what we want the students to gain as they engage in thinking, researching, discussion and collaboration. The culmination of the learning brings great joy, as students articulate new understandings and demonstrate their learning, and as teachers celebrate the effort and growth that has been displayed as learning is put into action.


It's been a privilege to see ‘learning in action’ in several ways in recent days. The Year 1 students have showcased a plethora of skills and growing talents at their “Circus Shows”, with staff celebrating the Growth Mindset, resilience and developing collaborative skills that these young learners have demonstrated. It was a joy to witness their courage as they stood before an audience and truly entertained us with acrobatics, juggling, dancing and ‘flame’ tricks.


Year 5 have spent a term focusing on living a healthy, abundant life – looking into what positive ways they can enhance their physical, mental, spiritual, social and emotional health. This week, they have spent three glorious and fun-filled days at the Year 5 Camp at Forest Edge, filled with adventure and activities, working together, supporting one another, and fostering their own resilience and independence, whilst encouraging the same in their peers.

To see a student shift from reluctance at the beginning of an activity, apprehensive as the safety talk and explanation is given by the camp leader, to bravely climbing the rock wall, happily floating down the river on a raft or smiling as their arrow hit the target in archery is sheer delight. Without realising it, these experiences are opportunities to put learning into action, and for the wholistic development that results, it’s totally worth all the planning, supporting, teaching and encouragement along the way!


An impromptu visit from some Preps has filled my bucket, as they proudly shared their writing accounts – demonstrating both their acquisition of early literacy and the joy that they experienced at the Junior Primary Athletics Day! 


There is learning in action to be celebrated everywhere, and it is good, right and important that we celebrate and give thanks to God for a rich, fruitful term that has seen our Primary School truly flourish!