Prep Specialist News - Term 2


Transdisciplinary Theme:

How we express ourselves 

Central Idea:  

Sense help people explore sound 


Lines Of Inquiry:  

  • The five senses 
  • The different ways in which we use our senses 
  • The way our senses help us find out about sound 
  • The senses that are used with music 

Key Concepts: 

function and perspective

Learner Profile Attributes: 

open minded, risktakers 


Students Will:  

  • Learn that the sound of an instrument depends on what it’s made of, how it is played and its size 
  • Develop a deeper understanding of how instruments work, by seeing some made. 
  • Continue to become familiar with the musical elements of Beat, Pitch, Dynamics and Tempo 
  • Participate in science experiments to inquire about sound and the sense of hearing 
  • Explore what changes can be made to an instrument to alter its sound 
  • Express themselves through music by playing, singing, dancing and experimenting. 
  • Consider how change and connection apply to instruments through questions such as: What function does the vibrating parts of instruments have, and how are each of the instrument families different? How are sounds changed on each instrument? How do I hear sounds? How does sound travel? How can we play an instrument in a new way? How do we create sounds together that express the same mood? 
  • Learn to appreciate the ideas and skills of others in the class by listening respectfully 
  • Reflect on the music made together as they find creative ways to explore rhythm. 
  • Form a connection and understanding of remote communities, as they work towards a whole school performance, to raise funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. 


Transdisciplinary Theme: 

Where we are in place and time

Central Idea: 

Art of different cultures express traditional values, celebrations, and way of life

Lines Of Inquiry:  

  • People from different places and backgrounds have their own art that shows their beliefs, celebrations, and daily life   
  • How art is used to celebrate special days and events  
  • The techniques and art forms traditionally used by different cultures

Key Concepts:

connection and form

Learner Profile Attributes:

 inquirer and reflective


Students Will: 

  • A weaving inspired by abstract African fabric that experiments with the beginnings of weaving techniques and applies colourful pattern detail within the woven areas. 
  • Cherry Blossom trees inspired by the Japanese Blossom Festival, ‘Hanami’ -A fun experiment with ink blowing and collage 
  •  A ceramic pinch pot, in the style of an aboriginal basket and decorated using traditional designs. Demonstrating modelling skills and the effective use of clay tools to apply patterns 
  • An African necklace inspired by the Samburu Tribe. They designed and constructed a cardboard neck piece capturing pattern and collage detail
  • A still life drawing of their African Necklace using 2B pencils and poster paint to capture an expressive likeness incorporating drawing skill and painted detail.


Transdisciplinary Theme: 

How we express ourselves 

Central Idea:

 Using our senses helps us tell stories in the library  


Lines Of Inquiry: 

  • The way we use our senses to interact in the library 
  • How we use our bodies to act out stories 

 Key Concepts:

 function, causation 

Learner Profile Attributes:

 caring and principled     

Students Will:   

  • Introduce the library setting to the children and discuss what a library is used for
  • Introduce parts of a book (title, cover, call number, spine, title page, author and illustrator.)   
  • Increase the children’s literature awareness and appreciation with stories and follow up discussions   
  • Identify the ‘Picture Fiction’ area and how to browse, borrow, and return a book  
  • Discuss the importance of library bags.   
  • Discuss how to put books away – alphabetical order, front cover facing, correct way up.  
  • Bring the children’s attention to the Library Essential Agreement
  • Read ‘Billy and the Big New School’ by C&L Anholt and discuss the areas of school, incorporating Preps UOI ‘How We Organise Ourselves’ - “Schools are organised to help us learn and play together”  


Transdisciplinary Theme: 

How we express ourselves 

Central idea: 

Senses help people explore culture 

Lines of Inquiry: 

  • The five senses 
  • The different ways in which we use our senses 
  • The ways our senses help us learn the language and its culture 

Key Concepts: 

inquirer and reflective 

Learner Profile Attributes: 

open-minded and risktakers 

Language Focus

(Japanese): Greetings, Japanese alphabet/writing style, Classroom instructions, Numbers, Self-introduction   

Cultural Activity: 

Japanese incursion on 10 May (Japanese show- four seasons)  

Students will: 

  • Explore Japanese objects or material related to each sense. 
  • Discuss and learn relevant Japanese words for each sense. 
  •  Touch and feel Japanese origami paper.  
  •  Understand what ORIGAMI is and try out an animal origami.   
  • Trace and spell “Hello” and “Goodbye”  in HIRAGANA characters.   
  • Say and spell “Stand up” and “Sit down” in HIRAGANA characters.   
  • Count 1,2,3 in Japanese.   
  •  Spell 1,2,3 in KANJI characters. (一、二、三)   
  • Introduce myself in Japanese. (name) です(DES).   

 Physical Education

Transdisciplinary Theme:

 How we express ourselves 


Central idea: 

We can express our feelings through movement 


Lines Of Inquiry:   

  • Body Language 
  • How we move our body to perform skills 
  • The importance of confidence and motivation when expressing our emotions through performance 

Key Concepts:  

Form- correct alignment, technique and execution of skill to create effective expression and fluency of movement. 


Function- how the body moves to achieve specific goals such as gym routines, or accurately throwing an object.


Learner Profile Attributes:   

risk taker and open minded 


Students Will:  

  • Explore movement on various levels (high, medium, low) and to different tempos of music
  • They will experience and demonstrate a variety of balances and shapes individually and in groups using their bodies. They will do this with and without equipment
  • They will be introduced to a variety of simple rolling techniques
  • Develop the Fundamental Motor Skills of running, jumping, dodging, tracking objects and catching