Learning & Teaching

Learning from Hubs

"Nourishing our Wholebeing" ~ Community Project 5

3/4 Hub Excursion


As part of our “Nourishing Our Wholebeing” Community Project, the 3/4 Hub have been exploring different experiences that may nourish our physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual selves. They have participated in yoga, sound meditation, mindful colouring, mindfulness through art, gratitude, positive self talk and kindness notes. 

They have identified what nourishing them and how that might be different to what nourishes their friends or family members. Common themes we identified were nature, colour, people and calm. With this in mind, the educators and children attended the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) and BBC Earth Experience last Tuesday to experience nourishment in another way. 

The children explored the NGV and discussed ways the colour, sounds and experience nourished different parts of their being. They then walked to the Convention Centre and participated in the BBC Earth Experience narrated by David Attenborough. Here they sat in a darkened room, watching and listening to the story of our earth and the amazing creatures that inhabit it. 

The children reflected on the day, discussing how some felt nourished by being with friends on an adventure, others enjoyed being in a quiet dark space surrounded by nature, and others felt nourished by being surrounded by beautiful art. It was a fantastic day and the children were very focused and engaged. 

The children and educators will now explore our diverse learning community and how we respect to each other and our nourishing needs. This learning will support the children in feeling safe, valued and connected as a group in the hubs, outside on yard and online. 



"Nourishing Our Land" ~ Community Project 6

This week we began preparations to explore Project 6 community and relationship through the Science and Critical and Creative lens of the Victorian Curriculum. “Nourishing Our Land” encourages us to evaluate the impact and effects of science and technology to help create sustainable and eco-responsive futures. We will also consider the wealth of knowledge the Wurundjeri people hold about land and how to care for it. Educators were invited to share their knowledge and understanding through an encounter with natural loose parts. Here are some of their representations. 

We wonder what you see?



St John's Learning and Teaching Team

Prep Hub: Lauren ldavis@sjfootscray.catholic.edu.au

1 Hub and 2 Hub: Jenna jgladman@sjfootscray.catholic.edu.au

3/4 Hubs and 5/6 Hub: Amy alittley@sjfootscray.catholic.edu.au

Maths Leader P-6: Mairead mdoherty@sjfootscray.catholic.edu.au




On Monday 25th March, we will celebrate the Hindu celebration of Holi. In India, Holi is a celebration that marks the end of Winter, and the beginning of Spring in India and to symbolise the triumph of good over evil. To mark this occasion, children will be participating in an Indian Dance incursion. We invite children to wear colourful clothing and to bring in a gold donation toward Project Compassion.

Holy Week Prayer Gatherings


Parent Information Session (Webinar)

‘Raising Kids in a Digital World’, presented by Marty McGauran (Educator) & Carley McGauran (Psychologist)


This webinar will cover topics such as social media, online gaming, impacts of screen time, managing devices in the home, child and tween online trends, explicit/adult content and strengthening family communication.


Thursday 21 March 

7.30pm - 8.45 pm


Register here: bit.ly/21march2024

(If you would like access to the replay of this webinar, register via the link above)


Kind regards,

Bess Naughtin


Innovation Educator (Prep & Years 3-6) & eLearning Leader
