Parent Association 



Prep/Year 6 Buddy BBQ


What a great day for our Prep/Year 6 Buddy BBQ to celebrate our Prep's first full week of school.


It was wonderful to see our Year 6s demonstrating their leadership skills with kindness and respect for one another and towards their impressionable, quick thinking and very perceptive Prep buddies. 


A huge thank you also to our Prep and Year 6 parents Monika, Laura, Elfie, Lisa, Victoria and Nancy who helped make it a smooth, running success. These events are not possible without our generous parent helpers.



Parent Association Upcoming events:


Parent Association Meeting - Thursday March 21st

We will be holding our next monthly meeting at 2.30pm till 3.20pm in the staff room and warmly welcome all parents/carers.


Ice Cream Day - Wednesday March 27th

Our 2nd ice cream day for term 1 will be on Wednesday March 27th. We will be looking for volunteers to help with these sales. If you would like to help and are available to come in, please let us know. Thank you to those who  have already reached out and offered their help.


Parent Association email is: