Performing Arts

Music Matters

Woodchatta Week 8 March 20

Open Day – what a magnificent way to showcase our Performing Arts students and the comprehensive music and drama ensembles program on offer for our students.


Thank you to our brilliant and dedicated Ensemble Directors; Miss Laura Power, Mr Geoff Power, Mr Shane Cranney, Mrs Stella Talati, Mr Ian Talati and Mr Steve Cummins for their work with our ensembles and to Mr Brendan Jones and Ms Penny Lindley for their work with our Performing Arts students. Congratulations to our musicians and drama students who gave so generously of their time and talents to demonstrate to the wider community the excellent performance standards we have here at St Pius X College. Special thanks to Mr Andrew Saar, Music Ensemble Coordinator, for his fabulous organisation of the day; to Ms Merryn Dodd, our Administrative Assistant and Mrs Sylvia Ulevik, PAPA President for their support and promotion of the Performing Arts throughout the day. 

One of the highlights of the day was the inaugural performance by our Drumline, under the guidance of Mr Ian Talati. In addition to their regular weekly rehearsals, the boys attended a workshop last week with Mr Dave Egan, a former drummer with the Air Force Marching Band, who took the boys through regimented marching drills and taught them how to prepare the drumline for marching. His work was certainly evident at the Open Day as they entertained the crowds to great acclaim. They are sure to be in demand at future events.


HSC Major Works Day: This was a highly productive day, with our Music 1, Music 2 and Extension Music students preparing intensively for their upcoming assessments in performance, musicology and composition. It was an excellent opportunity for students to focus on fine tuning their selected repertoire and collaborating with specialist music teachers. 


Rock Band Ensemble: a bass guitar player is required for this ensemble. Rehearsals take place on Thursday mornings in MR2. Please see Mr Jones for further information. You are welcome to come and try for a week. 


Performing Arts fundraiser Comedy night: Saturday 4 May, College gym. Our enthusiastic and creative PAPA team are working hard to provide a fun night of comedic entertainment. Tickets are now on sale, including drinks and snacks packages. See below for link to purchase tickets.


Holiday workshops - Stage Crew: Improve your backstage skills or learn new ones with the upcoming April school holiday workshops with Tech Crew HQ at the Sydney Opera House.

Hands-on activities include:

  • Video and vision system skills including projectors, cameras and vision switchers
  • Backstage technical tour of the Sydney Opera House
  • Panel talk and Q&A with technical experts who work backstage
  • Safety skills including lifting and carrying so that you can work safely backstage

Click on the link to learn more:


Upcoming Performing Arts events:

  • Yr 5/6 Liturgy Tues 9 April, Week 11, Junior Chorale

Term 2: 

  • Anzac Day Service, Week 1, Wednesday 1 May – Senior Concert Band
  • Jazz Workshop Day  Sunday 5 May, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Senior Jazz – Band Room
  • Mothers’ Day Mass - Week 2, Wednesday 8 May – Chorales, other ensembles tbc
  • Founders’ Day Mass, Week 2, Friday 10 May (rehearsal Thursday 9 May) Senior Concert Band & Chorales, Oxford Falls
  • Forestville RSL Concert - Week 3, Wednesday 15 May, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm – Senior Jazz
  • Chamber Music Concert – Week 4, Friday 24 May, 7:00 pm
  • Bands Concert – Week 5, Friday 31 May, 5:00 pm
  • Sydney Eisteddfod, Concourse Theatre Thursday 6 June (TBC) – Senior & Intermediate Jazz

Mrs Annabel Westhoff - Leader of Learning, Performing Arts

PAPA Comedy Night

Tickets for our upcoming fundraiser “Stand Up Comedy Stars” on Saturday, May the 4th, are now available!

Please use the link or QR code below to get your tickets and join us for a night of laughter to raise funds that will support our boys in their performing arts endeavours.

Seat numbers are strictly limited, so get in quickly!!!

This event is open to all adult members of the SPX community (not just families of students in Performing Arts).

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Drama Matters

HSC Drama Major Works Day

On Friday the Year 12 students had the opportunity to work with actor and playwright Tom Anson Mesker on the development of their Individual Projects. This is an important part of our calendar and really helps each student to solidify their project and take decisions for the direction of their final performance/project. We have four very different Performances and one Director’s Folio and all students were very focused throughout the day.


Ensemble Rehearsals

At present the Sarto Centre is out of bounds and Drama lessons and Ensembles will be in the Drama Room. Except Intermediate Ensemble: Thursday 21 March (final session with Daniel Cordeaux). This session will be in the same room we were in last week in the A block. 

Ms Penny Lindley - Leader of Learning, Drama