Captains Corner

Welcome to the Captain’s Corner, with Alyssia and Patrick!


During the past two weeks, the Year 3s/4s had their cricket and the Year 6s had a Safe Journeys excursion! 


This isn’t really an event but in STEM we have been doing experiments with an egg drop (a classic!). We have been working on three different stations. The balloons/parachutes, the straws and rubber bands, and the packaging. So far my group and I have done the straws/rubber bands and the balloons/parachutes and in both weeks we have managed to keep our eggs safe. Can’t wait for next week! 


Last Friday the Year 6s had a road safety excursion at Melbourne Museum. It was so fun and we learnt so much about being safe on the road. 

The day before, we were figuring out how to get there by public transport. We learnt so much there and we even got to make our own ads about safety on the road. At school we are going to vote on which ad is the best and then the people that made it have a chance to compete against other schools about making ads. There was even a VR simulator of the change of cars throughout the years. 


Thank you to our teachers for organising the excursion.