In Mathematics, we will target the proficiencies of understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning, focusing on:
- Revising addition and subtraction strategies from last term, including counting on, counting back, friendly numbers, commutativity, doubles and halves
- Combining addition and subtraction to explore more advanced strategies, such as fact families, partitioning into place value parts, and bridging to 10
- Continuing to deepen students’ understanding of and fluency with numbers up to 100 and beyond, including skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s
- Introducing the concept of sharing, leading to representing practical modelling of division and multiplication
- Introducing simple fractions, such as halves and quarters, using both objects and collections
- Continuing to develop strategies for problem solving in real life scenarios, requiring students to explain their thinking and reasoning
- Estimating, measuring and ordering the capacity of objects
- Reading time on digital and analogue clocks, including o'clock, half past and quarter past/to
- Exploring location and transformation by following and giving simple directions
- Describing and interpreting data from graphs
We will also be revising previously learnt topics.