In English, as always, students will extend their love of reading and writing through supported:
- Exposure to gradually more sophisticated and challenging texts
- Development of greater fluency and expression when reading and speaking
- Consolidation of decoding skills in reading and writing
- Strengthening students' reading strategies including summarising, making connections, predicting and synthesising
- Building comprehension skills including literal, inferential and applied knowledge
- Further extending student's phonological skills, at their point of need
- Development of writing skills which will include letter formation, finger spacing and punctuation e.g. knowing when to use capital letters, lowercase letters, full stops, exclamation and question marks
- Continued investigation of the structure and writing of recounts, including incorporating interesting language features such as adjectives, adverbs and time connectives
- Revisiting the features and structure of fictional texts before planning, drafting and authoring narratives
- Introduction of transactional texts by authoring letters to different audiences
- Extension of vocabulary when writing and speaking