Term 4 Diary Dates

Dear Year One families,
We have an exciting and busy final term ahead! It is jam packed with experiences from all learning areas, including Inquiry, Music and end of year celebrations. It will be wonderful to spend quality time with the students before sending them up to Year Two!
Please take note of the important dates throughout the term:
- Week 3 (Friday 25th of October): Twilight Carnival
- Week 3: Parent Helpers commence
- Week 5 (Monday 4th of November): Curriculum Day
- Week 5 (Tuesday 5th of November): Melbourne Cup public holiday
- Week 6 (Friday 15th of November): Mini Olympics
- Week 6 - Week 11: STOMP Dance Program
- Week 8 (Wednesday 27th of November): Whole School Transition 1
- Week 9 (Wednesday 4th of December):Whole School Transition 2
- Week 10 (Wednesday 6th of December): Step-Up Morning (students meet their Year Two teacher/s and class)
- Week 10 (Monday 9th of December): Curriculum Day (planning)
- Week 10 (Friday 13th of December): HPS Christmas Carols
- Week 11 (Monday 16th of December): STOMP Concert (parents warmly invited)
- Week 11 (Wednesday 18th of December): Reports released