Principal's Update

Caring Learning Growing: Every Child Every Day

Dear Families,


Staffing for 2025:


We are incredibly fortunate to be fully staffed for the 2025 school year. Teacher shortages are significant across the state, in both regional and metropolitan areas, as well as in Catholic, Independent and State schools. Having a complete staff is such a relief.


Next year's teaching staffing is as follows:


Prep - Mrs Haase, Mrs Consedine, Miss Janetzki (3 classes)

1/2 - Mrs Newton (Miss Murray on Tuesdays), Mrs Bush, Miss Burke, Miss Georgia (4 classes)

3/4 - Mrs Hausler, Mrs McKinnon, Mrs Abbott and Mrs Friend ( as a fourth teacher 9 - 1 each day) (3 classes)

5/6 - Mr Cross, Mr Millemaci, Mrs Ward, Miss Roll (Mrs Ward's class until lunch on a Wednesday, Mr Millemaci's class until lunch on a Tuesday, Senior Physical education on a Friday) (3 classes)


Ibu Brennan - Indonesian and Religious Education Leader

Mrs Wilson - P-2 Performing Arts and Grades 3 - 6 - Creative Media

Mrs Wade - Prep - 6 Art

Miss Dortmans - Grade Prep - 4 Physical Education


Miss Murray - Learning Diversity Assessments and Screenings and Mental Health Wellbeing Leader ( this is a new position based on Mental Health in Primary Schools funding)


Mrs Glatz - Deputy Principal


In addition, all our Learning Support Officers will continue with us next year, as will Mrs Overman and Mrs Carberry in the office and Mrs McCall in the library.


I am so grateful to have all our wonderful staff with us as we move into 2025.


Thank you to those families who joined us for a chat at our first family forum. This was an opportunity to get accurate information about our building project and 2025 planning and ask any questions you may have.


If you were unable to attend today, I will hold another meeting in the Senior Learning Community on Monday, December 2nd, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.


I hope you have something cool planned for the weekend as we get our first real taste of summer weather.

