Grade 1/2 

Mrs McBride, Mrs Dallas & Mrs Bray, with special help from Miss Jenni, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Novinec



We are so exited to be heading to the Beaufort Library on Thursday to meet Susea Spray. We have been enjoying her book this week and can't wait to meet her.


Assembly Presentation

In 1/2B were proud to present some of our recent learning at assembly a few weeks ago. Well done to Casey, Caleb, Hayley and Eliška on showing our school values and supporting each other, it is a valuable skill to be able to speak in front of a large group. 


Reading success

The following students have celebrated learning milestones the last few weeks. Congratulations Hayley, Evie and Zanda on reaching your 100 nights of home reading!


We have been learning all about fractions. We have had lots of imaginary pizza and cake to help with this. Specifically focusing on halves, quarters and eighths. We have discussed where fractions are used in everyday life, such as cooking, telling the time, and in general conversation.  1/2B particularly enjoyed the challenge of using fractions to make origami hearts.

Mappen (Integrated Studies)

Our unit this term is titled Robot Buddies, the focus is all about inventions and creativity.

As part of the design process students have practiced looking at objects as a scientist and creating a scientific drawing of their chosen object. To prepare for this 1/2B watched a video clip called "Austin's butterfly" its a great clip that encourages children to use constructive feedback to make improvements to their work. This is the link if you would like to have a look your self. 

The response on their faces at the final drawing was brilliant. Students then had a go at drawing an object they chose in the classroom. Over the next few weeks students will begin designing and building their "robot buddy" thank you to families for sending in boxes and bits to build our robots from. Keep them coming please. 

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