Foundation Class
Miss W, supported by Mrs Novinec
Foundation Class
Miss W, supported by Mrs Novinec
Last Thursday was Halloween, and although it is not an official festival in Australia, many people still like to celebrate it. It was a great learning opportunity to teach the Prep students what Halloween is all about.
When asked, most Prep students described Halloween as a time when people dress up in a variety of spooky costumes, like ghosts, witches, or skeletons. They explained that the celebration involves going trick or treating at night, where they go door-to-door saying "Trick or Treat" and, if they're lucky, collecting lollies from people's homes.
We discussed where the festival originated and some fun facts about Halloween. The Preps then had an opportunity to write a scary story using some Halloween vocabulary and sit in the ‘Author’s Chair’ and read it to the class. The ideas and enthusiasm to write a really scary story to scare Miss W was of high priority!
All the students loved writing about skeletons, witches, potions and zombies. Below are
just a couple samples of the fantastic writing that was produced.
During the day, Miss W brought in her cauldron and all the students cast a spell for some rewards to be placed into it by the end of the day. All the students had to add three ingredients into the cauldron for the spell to work.
At the end of the day when we came back into the classroom, everyone had the opportunity to stir the ‘spell ingredients’ in the cauldron and dip their hand in afterwards to grab a reward for their great pieces of writing during the day.