Year 4/5/6

Our class has had a busy couple of weeks. Last week the 4/5/6s were invited to participate in the Castlemaine Farmers Market Art competition. Our budding 4/5/6 artists completed posters for the competition. The themes they could can choose from were:

1. Happy Birthday Castlemaine Farmers Market! Helping us choose locally

grown, seasonal fresh delicious produce!

2. What I like about the Castlemaine Farmers Market.

3. Why it is important to have a Farmers Market in our town.


Below are a few of our entries.

Certificates to the winners will be awarded by the Mayor of Mount Alexander Shire on Sunday November 3 at 11am at the Castlemaine Farmers Market held on the Western Oval Hargreaves Street.

Have a fabulous weekend all!!



Mrs Zylan