Year 2/3

The Grade 2/3 class have enjoyed a busy and learning filled fortnight!
All students contributed to our school fair stall by helping to bake cupcakes, making a sign and wrapping lucky dip prizes. Fantastic effort!
This week for our Sustainability/Cooking session we harvested spinach from our school garden, worked cooperatively in small groups to bake spinach and cheese scones and then reflected upon this experience.
In our Maths sessions we have been focusing on solving multiplication problems using different strategies, building upon our knowledge of fractions and their link to division, as well as expanding our understandings of mass and capacity-we’ve enjoyed some hands on problem solving this week using various containers, measuring jugs and water!
As part of our Well Being program, we have been learning about how we can be help seekers as well as help givers-the students created helping hands with the names of others they can seek help from as well as give help to. We have created a lovely display in the hallway…a great reminder that we are surrounded by support and that we, ourselves, can give support to others!
We are delving further into our Inquiry topic “What makes our home (where we live) unique?” So far we have explored what makes our home (Australia/Victoria/Castlemaine) unique, mapping skills, local landmarks as well as local flora and fauna. Next up is local geology. Lots more to discover and a student project on the horizon!
Students are continuing to enjoy our letter writing topic. So far we have explored friendly letters, thank you letters, letters to our future selves, anonymous complimentary class letters and this week, informative letters. It has been fun writing letters to an alien informing them all about planet Earth-the students have been so keen to share their great knowledge of our home, enjoying the process of drafting, editing and publishing their writing!
Students are also engaging in daily spelling exercises to help build upon their knowledge of letter patterns and sounds.
During our reading hour we have been working cooperatively in our groups, engaging in teacher directed small group reading and discussions, independent reading, grammar exercises (focusing on the use of different tense and also on verbs and nouns) as well as comprehension tasks including making inferences to expand our understanding of texts.
As part of our unit on Who is Jesus?, we shared in a beautiful RE session together this week where we gathered together, sitting next to someone we hadn’t spoken to a lot that day, to share food and discuss our interests and likes as well as the great qualities good friends have.
All students are striving to earn stickers for their individual sticker charts through great choices, leading to reward choices! As a Grade 2/3 team we are striving to reach a class total of 1000 stickers by the end of term to earn a wonderful whole class activity…stay tuned for the result!
Looking forward to more learning and great experiences together this term.
Join us next Friday 1st November as Grade 2/3 share their learning at our school assembly!
Clare & Bella