
Wristbands Pre Sale
Wristband pre-sale purchases will be available from Friday September 20th and will close at midnight on Thursday October 24th.
OATLANDS STUDENTS: Purchased wristbands for Oatlands Students will be given to the classroom teacher on Fete Day for the students to put on their wrist, before attending the fete.
NON-OATLANDS STUDENTS: Wristbands purchased for non-oatlands students will be available for collection on the day of the Fete, from the Fete Ticket Booth, from 2:30pm.
*Note: with every wristband purchase, a pop top and packet of chips will be provided (on Fete Day!)
Please purchase your Fete Ride Wristbands HERE:
JUNIOR: https://compasstix.com/e/1k2tehqjxr
SENIOR: https://compasstix.com/e/5r6bi2ljju
*Please read all of the age and height restrictions before making your purchase.
*Strictly NO REFUNDS
Any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.
We look forward to another great event!
Parent Helpers
If you are able to help with this during the lead up or on the day please leave your name at the office 9705 6055.
The following is a list of stalls that will be manned on the day.
Lucky Jars
Show bags
Ice Cream
Popcorn and fairy floss
Donuts and Coffee
Canteen /BBQ
Free Dress Day Lucky jar collections - 2th October 2024
We will be selling lucky jars at the school Fete. As a part of this, we will be holding a Lucky Jar & Free Dress Day on Friday 25th of October. All students are asked to bring a lucky jar or a bag of unopened lollies in exchange to come to school in free dress for the day.
Please see the notice for more information and ideas to in the jar.
Attention All Market Store Holders.
We are looking for any market store holders, ( excluding food Stalls ), that would be interested in showcasing their wares at our fete, for a charge. You will need to supply current Public Liability Insurance cover and be able to attend on Friday 8th November 2.30pm to 8pm.
The fete committee will be running a raffle and we are looking for any families or business's who would be able to donate any goods or services that could be used as prizes.
If you are able to help with either of the above please feel free to contact the Fete Committee at fete@oatlandsps.vic.ed.au