
Have you ever wondered why children love to have the same story read over and over and over to them or they will sing a song they love over and over and over at home, driving everyone in the house nuts???! In the past few years, teaching Music at Oatlands, I have had numerous older brothers and sisters, parents and class teachers come up to me and say their child constantly sings songs they have learned in Music over and over again. While this may be annoying to those hearing the same song constantly, it is very normal in human development. Zig Ziglar said "Repetition is the master of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment." The next time kids ask you to listen to the same songs over and over, remind yourself that it's a good thing! It's good because repetition provides the practice that children need to master new skills. Repetition helps to improve speed, increases confidence and strengthens the connections in the brain that help children learn. The most effective way for children to learn is to engage the visual, auditory and kinesthetics pathways to the brain. Yes, I was asked to sing songs and perform chants the children learned in Music last year; Repetition occurs constantly in Music classes!
The Grade PREP, One, Two and Three children completed an excellent Term 3 in Music. They enjoyed their Indigenous Unit of work. With the School's focus on Indigenous Australia, MUSIC classes looked at traditional Indigenous Instruments, Dreamtime Stories and Indigenous Dance and how all these performing ARTS components tie in together so closely with our First Nations Peoples.
All Grades have started Term 4 very well. The Grade PREP and One children will be learning about non tuned percussion instruments and will use some of these to demonstrate Beat in songs. We will use traditional fairytales as our provocation and then listen to these same fairytales put to Music and then play our instruments along to these musical fairytales focusing on Beat and Rhythm. We will continue to engage in lots of singing and chanting and movement to Music, resurrecting some of our favourites from last year.
The Grade Two and Three children will continue to participate in lots of singing and chanting and learn many new songs using the SING Vocal Programme. The Grade Two and Threes love singing from these books and using them has helped to teach many of the elements of Music including Form - Verse and Chorus! The children just love the joy that using these books and singing with them provides. They are a very popular component of the Music Programme. We will also continue to focus on the Australian colonial era of songs, poetry and verse and have had a brief look at some of our early lyric/ song masters, eg, Banjo Paterson.
All Grades will rehearse some of the traditions that we participate in during our annual Remembrance Day Ceremony.
The School's Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held on Thursday 7th November at 10.30 am in the SDG. We encourage all students to bring flowers to lay at the foot of our flags during the Ceremony. Children who are allowed to wear Family War Service Medals are more than welcome to do so and students who are members of groups associated with the Scouting Movement are more than welcome to wear those uniforms on the day of our Ceremony to School.
The School Choir will be performing three times over the next 3 weeks.
Friday 25th October: Grandparents Afternoon in the SDG at 3pm approx
Thursday 7th November: 2024 Remembrance Day Ceremony at 10.30 am in the SDG
Friday 8th November: 2024 School Fete at 2.30 pm in the SDG
Fiona Jamieson