Newlands in a Nutshell

Here is a snapshot of the important things you don't want to miss in this newsletter! Be sure to read for a more comprehensive rundown of all things happening in Newlands.

  • Spring Cleaning Working bee 
    - 27th October (9:00am -12:00pm)
  • 3/4 Camp
    - 27th October - 28th October
  • 5/6 Camp
    - 28th October - 30th October
  • Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
    - Friday 1st November
    - Special assembly 3:00 - 3:30pm
  • Fete de la Primavera 
    - Saturday 9th November
    - Sign up to volunteer at a stall 
    - Items still wanted, see the fete page.
  • Rockin' Resilience Day
    - Thursday 14th November 2:30 - 4:30pm
  • Reconcialition Action Plan Meeting
    - Monday 25th November 9:00am
  • Sonya on leave from 31st of October until the 12th of November
  • Cricket Blast Registration now open!