Group 1

Group 1 has been working on their social engagement skills by participating in our Design and Technologies activities on creating design solutions. They have enjoyed making rainbow milk toast, cheese English muffin pizza, and monster rice Krispie treats. They have all done an amazing job experiencing being part of a group design process and working with others. They have been fantastic in communicating their design idea by selecting and indicating materials they want to use in their creation. To them the best part of these activities is eating these yummy creations or having them for sensory exploration.
They have shown increased confidence and willingness to be part of the group by making wonderful connections and beautiful friendships with peers. It was indeed a very busy first few weeks of Term 4 but a very good busy, fun, and engaging experience for our keen and active learners.
Group 1, we are proud of you!
Dibbie & Gemma 😊