Parish News

Sacramental Program Information

SacramentYear LevelsTimeframe for the Sacrament
Reconciliation Years 3/4/5*February - March
First Communion Years 4/5/6**April - June
ConfirmationYear 6***July - September

*must have received Sacrament of Baptism

** must have received Sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation 

*** must have completed all 3 preceding Sacraments


MONTHLY CUPPA: St Agatha’s Pastoral Council would like to introduce a monthly cuppa after 10.45am Mass each month.  We would encourage each parish group or individuals to host a session. If you can assist, please contact the Parish Office on 5996 1985.




NEW GROUPS OR ACTIVITIES: If you wish to introduce an activity or new group to the parish, please make an appointment to speak to either Fr Antony or Fr Prabhu before making any other arrangements, thank you.