Learning Diversity

Dear Families,
If you feel that your child may need extra support or has a Disability that the school is not aware of, please contact the office and ask to speak to Sally Thomas or email me sthomas@saseaford.catholic.edu.au
Welcome Back to Term 4
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are pleased to welcome you back to Term 4. As we embark on this final term of the year, we would like to share some important updates regarding our upcoming Parent Support Group (PSG) meetings.
PSG Meetings
The PSG meetings will take place on the following dates:
- November 6
- November 11
- November 12
- November 13
- November 28
- November 29
These meetings provide a valuable opportunity for parents and guardians to engage with educators and discuss student progress and support strategies. Appointment confirmations will be sent out after October 27. We encourage all families to participate in these discussions to ensure a successful conclusion to the academic year.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. We look forward to seeing you at the meetings.
As a result of the Quality Assurance process and discussion. It is recommended that all medical documentation and reports that families are sending to staff be sent via email or in a hard copy. Please do not use the seesaw app to send medical information to school.
Sally Thomas
Diversity Leader