Cranbourne Campus News

Servant Leadership
In previous Campus musings I have reflected on the theme of From Little Things Big Things Grow and the parable of Mathew's Gospel of the tiny mustard seed that grows into a commanding tree of the garden with branches for birds to perch on. I think that there is little doubt that small things can make a difference. In 2023 the then College Captain Bonnie Cortese raised a proposal for a 100 day celebration where a special acknowledgement could be made to our Year 7's as they mark their 100 th day at St Peter's and for our Year 12's as a recognition of the 100th day of the final year of secondary school.
As part of the 2024 Applied Learning unit on Servant Leadership this mustard seed like idea by Bonnie peaked interest and the students went about planning what they could do to make Bonnie's idea come alive and for them to do an action of service for others to finish off their study of Sevant Leadership.
Our two Year 10 Applied Learning classes then planned the project. Arranging advertising and promotion, personal invitations for the 7's and 12's and problem solving how to manage some special treats for this many students in a confined time space.
A beautiful day greeted our 100 day celebration and our juniors and seniors enjoyed a BBQ lunch, drink and a home made desert prepared and served by the Year 10 's. Servant leadership at work and all from the idea of a previous captain looking for a way to selflessly serve and pay forward to our community.
In the coming weeks we begin the process toward framing, finding, forming and inducting our 2025 College student Ieaders. We begin with a Year 11 Leadership Day led by our new Pastoral Care Ieader Mr David Bardi. Before the September holidays we will have a new Student Executive elected in readiness for a few weeks shadowing our 2024 leaders who can help mentor through the leadership transition process . Following the holidays we will work through the same process to get our new set of House Captains (chosen from Year 10 or 11).
These new student leaders will come with grand ideas, brilliant skills and an eagerness to get started ~ of this I'm certain ~ but I also know that underpinning their applications, will be an authentic foundation of wanting to serve others - it is what we are about at St Peter's College.
Mr Jeremy Wright
Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus