Principal's message

Dear families,
Last Thursday and Friday I was lucky enough to accompany the KROP students and staff as they travelled to Griffith and shone on stage. As always, they performed beautifully and in the words of one of the students they ‘told the story’ through actions and facial expressions. A big thank you to the Giorgi family for their support both with hair and makeup and catering for all of us during the break times. The kids even got to have a movie session in the break of Friday. One of the joys of being in a small school is that all students get to have a go at things that bring them joy. We had an amazing group of kids from Kinder to Year 6 performing and we got nothing but praise from everyone we met.
This week the notes will go home for students who progressed to Riverina for athletics. I want to say though that all the YPS representatives were brilliant at the LNPSSA carnival. The attitude of those who attended was one to be proud of. Yanco PS students demonstrate on a daily basis what it means to be part of a strong community, and this is always amplified when we are supporting each other at events.
Health and Safety
We are still working our way through bouts of COVID, RSV and the dreaded tummy bug. Thank you for keeping the school informed of these cases and letting us know if your child is unwell and has been kept at home.
Combined Father’s Day event and book Character parade – Friday August 30
I would like to personally invite all families to this event. We will be holding a BBQ lunch and picnic after our book parade and we would love to see as many people at school as possible. The theme for this year is Reading is Magic!
Parent Teacher meetings
If you were not able to come during the timetabled sessions and would like to speak to your child’s teacher, please contact the school to make a time.
Mrs Taylor