Important Dates


Term 3 and 4 - Important Events




Monday 22nd July (OSHC available) - Pupil Free Day

Tuesday 23rd July - School resumes 


Sunday 11th August- St Brigid's Church 70th year Anniversary Mass 9am


Tuesday 13th August - Library Open Evening 

Tuesday 13th August - MITIOG Parent Information Sessions - 2:15-3:00 AND REPEATED 6:15-7:00pm


Week 5 - Catholic Education Week 

Tuesday 20th August - School Tour


Friday 23rd August - BOOK WEEK PARADE 


Friday 30th August - Father's Day Afternoon Tea


Week 7 - Parent Teacher conversations 


Tuesday 10th September - School Tours 


Friday 27th September - Sports Day and Last Day of Term 



Term 4


Monday 14th October (OSHC available) - Pupil Free Day

Tuesday 15th October -School resumes 

Wednesday 11th December - Last Day of Term