From the Leadership Team

A busy term ahead...
It's hard to believe that we have already begun term 3 which means we are over half way through the school year! Term 3 is always busy and this is no exception. Some of our older students are participating in SAPSASA events next week, which also sees our annual Book Fair being held in the library ( see information in the next section of the newsletter). Year 2-4 students are attending a camp at AFL Max the following week and in the same week we have school photos and our students will present our first whole school production of Alice in Wonderland. Look out for a separate note about how to purchase tickets.
At the beginning of the term, we welcomed our first group of Receptions to begin in the
middle of the year. This is now something that will occur each year with the mid year intake students then receiving 6 terms of Reception. These students have settled in well to V5 & V6, with our existing Reception students acting as excellent role models. We look forward to seeing them all grow during the next 2 terms to become the next group of role models at the beginning of 2025.
We also had a new group of preschoolers start at the beginning of this term. They too have settled well as they learn the routines of preschool and make new friends. We are now accepting enrolments for preschool and school students for 2025 so if you know any friends or family members who have children ready to start, please ask them to contact the office for a Registration of Interest Form or a Principal Tour.
Next week, teachers will be making contact with some families to schedule a time to discuss student learning. Many of our families attended interviews during term 1 so this term we are connecting with those who weren't able to attend or those families where students require a review of their goals and learning. If you have any concerns about your child's learning at any time, please contact their teacher via Seesaw and organise an appointment.
Farewell Janice
Earlier this week, we farewelled Janice, our Community Hub Coordinator. We are proud of the way Janice has developed our Community Hub to support families and community members in many ways during the past 18 months. We are fortunate to have had Janice as part of our community as our Hub Leader and know that we will all miss her. We wish Janice all the best as she spends some time with family before moving onto some new challenges. Thank you and good luck!
Thank You
I'd like to thank the students, staff and school community for your support, gifts and lovely messages today on Australian Primary Principal's Day. I feel fortunate to come to Para Vista Primary School each day and work and learn together with wonderful students and adults. I am proud of all that we are achieving at our school and in our community.
Enjoy your weekend.