Principal's Report

Principal Report
Term 3 is always an exceptionally busy term for our staff and students. This year is no exception. Our Year 9, 10 and 11 students have been deeply emersed in planning for 2025 with subject choices and course counselling becoming a central focus over the last two weeks. From a school leadership perspective, we have also begun the important work of meeting our staffing requirements for next year.
As you would all be aware, my appointment to the position of College Principal has created a vacancy for a new Assistant Principal. I am very pleased to announce that after a rigorous state-wide application process, Brett Lamb has been officially appointed to the role, commencing in 2025. As the current Acting Assistant Principal, I warmly congratulate Brett and officially welcome him to the Principal Team. I know that we will continue to thrive with the addition of his skills and this is another reminder of the immense talent that we have at EDSC.
Our planning for 2025 has also seen me work closely with the Department of Education to ensure that we will have the classroom spaces we will need given our increasing student numbers. It is pleasing that work is already underway. Parents will notice as they drive by our school that temporary fencing has this week been put in place in preparation for the installation of new classrooms near the corner of George Street and Dryden Street. These spaces will become part of our Arts Precinct and will provide additional Art classrooms. These will be in use this year.
We are also readying for the removal of some of our single storey relocatables to make way for more double storey relocatables. As you can imagine, this process is a complex one and will require time. Starting now should see us well placed for the start of Term 1 2025.
To allow for this work to begin as early as possible, additional temporary relocatables are being installed to assist this process with as minimal impact to our classes as possible, allowing us to continue classes in suitable learning spaces while these changes are underway. We will be asking students to be patient and observe changing conditions and instructions regarding out of bounds areas over the coming months. While there may be some inconvenience, and some extra steps clocked to reach parts of the College, I am excited by the additional classroom spaces we will have for next year.
Senior School Course Counselling
Our current Year 9, 10 and 11 students have this week been engaged in interviews with senior staff about their courses of study for 2025. As we undertake this, we are also planning for any staffing needs for 2025. Thank you to all students, parents and the senior staff for their support throughout this important process. It was especially pleasing to see so many parents attending our Course Information evenings held for students entering Year 10 and Year 11 in 2025. These evenings provide a wonderful opportunity for students and their families to gain valuable insights into senior schooling and pathways beyond. Combined with a subject expo in The John Landy Centre, students are armed with a great deal of information to ensure informed subject choices are made.
Last week we also conducted a V.T.A.C Information Evening in our Performing Arts Centre, as our Year 12 students begin the process of selecting courses for tertiary study next year. To assist them to make appropriate choices, the Senior School Coordinators and the Careers Coordination team will continue to conduct information sessions and provide individual appointments with students.
Assistant Principals’ News
We are currently planning for Semester 2 Parent Student Teacher Conferences. Please refer to the Assistant Principals’ News page for further details.
On this page you will also find information regarding College Policy updates.
2024 Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey
We are conducting the annual Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey offered by the Department of Education and we are seeking your feedback on our College. The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. The survey is optional, but we encourage all families to participate. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. All families are invited to participate in the survey. An email with the link to complete the survey will be sent in the coming days. This email will also provide a PIN for you to access the survey. The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey will be open online from Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August 2024.
Census Data Collection – Student Family Occupation and Updating Family Details
Every year the Department of Education conduct a census in August which helps determine the level of our schools’ student-based funding. To ensure that the College is able to continue to provide quality programs and an efficient learning environment for our students it relies on being supported by Department funding. Student Family Occupation details are an important component used by DE to formulate our correct level of funding. These details are originally collected on your child’s enrolment form but are often not updated. For this census to be accurate we ask that all family details are up to date, including parent occupation and occupation code, employer and all contact details. Please complete the data collection form, even if you believe your details have not changed, and return to the College Reception as soon as possible. For assistance with identifying what occupation code to use please refer to the attached document.
It is also vital that families maintain up to date contact information. If your details change we ask that you please complete the Change of Details Form (below) and return to Reception or via email to
Karen Boyle