LOTE News - Chinese

Chinese Culture Day
Thursday 25 July was the Chinese Culture Day excursion held in Box Hill Town Hall. The Year 10 EDSC SLA students were invited along with other schools' students studying Chinese.
Students got to experience Chinese cultural traditions in the form of performances and workshops. The performances showcased dances and songs from Chinese minority groups and the workshops included traditional Chinese heritage, such as calligraphy, painting, clothing, recreational games, instruments and items. Students got to enjoy each activity, with professionals guiding them. Many students kept their own paintings, fans and items that they created. Overall, the experience was educational, interactive and intriguing for those who participated. It was memorable, and much could be learnt.
Michelle Shi
Chinese Teacher
Student Report
I found this excursion to be very eye opening, it allowed me and my friends to discover Chinese traditions that we did not know a lot about before, we were able to freely experience and interact with the different activities that we had. My personal favourite activity during my time participating was the Chinese calligraphy and traditional ink painting. I've always enjoyed the aesthetics of Chinese ink art and was glad that I could attempt it for myself. Other than that, I also found the performances by the minority groups especially interesting, their unique expressions mimicked animals and sounds of nature. The harmony between the singers' voices were astounding.
By Tommy 10L
United Nations Model in Chinese
On Tuesday 6 August, Year 11 and Year 12 Chinese Second Language students attended the United Nations Model Conference (Victoria Division).
Students from 10 schools represented 26 countries to discuss the important topic of "Hear My Voice: Recognising the Rights of Indigenous Peoples." Our students stated their positions and raised their opinions on behalf of Australia, Chile, and Finland, engaging in spirited discussions.
The event provided a platform for students to practice their Chinese language skills in a real-world context, fostering critical thinking and collaboration. Students also showcased their ability to articulate their viewpoints clearly and persuade effectively. Participants left the event with a deeper understanding of global politics and enhanced language proficiency, marking the day as a significant milestone in their learning journey.
Yan Jiang
Chinese Teacher