Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News
Reading: Aim for 20 minutes minimum reading per night. As students complete a book, they are to record the author, title and date of finishing in their Reader’s Workshop book. We encourage students to read aloud, either to themselves or a parent.
Mathematics: We are using both the method of knowing the skip counting pattern (multiples) and then also practising the times table itself. This week we have been learning 12 x multiples
A note from Mr K: With Year 6 students being so close to high school, it is important to ensure their vision has been tested recently. If any parent would like Mr K to do a basic eye test, please email him or the class teacher so we can organise this.
Premier’s Reading Challenge: Please check in with your child to see how they are going with recording the books they have read this year. At the end of this term. We would expect the students to have at least 6 books recorded. Please initial next to the books they have recorded before they hand it in.
Current and Upcoming Learning
Christian Studies: We have started our new unit which focuses on ‘Students develop skills to examine the scriptures and analyse its cultural and historical contexts’. We are initially focusing on the Bible and its textual features.
Unit Of Inquiry: We are continuing our unit of inquiry in ‘Where we are in Place and Time’. Students are researching a key person or group of people that brought about change in either the colony of South Australia (Year 5) or Australia (Year 6). Students are working on putting together an oral presentation to share with their class in week 3 (Monday 5th – Friday 9th August) about their key person and the impact they had. All information is on both Toddle and Teams for students to access.
Literacy: We will be encouraging students to continue their borrowing with particular prompting for our students who need to read more books for their ‘Premier’s Reading Challenge’. Just an early reminder that book week is in Week 5! The theme is ‘reading is magic’ so start getting your costumes ready.
During reader’s and writer’s workshop, students will be using this time to learn how to craft an oral presentation effectively.
Mathematics: We have begun working with the concept of time and using an analogue and digital clock in both 12 and 24hr time. We will also be exploring how to read a timetable and use problem solving skills to investigate the duration of different events, such as a bus timetable and how long it takes to get from point to point.
Other Announcements
Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr Napier as he continues to recover from surgery. We pray for healing and look forward to seeing him again soon.
Yours sincerely,
Luke Napier
Lauren Neumann
Jayne Zadow