Around the School

Assembly and Chapel
Roster - Term 3
Assemblies will take place each Monday, commencing at 2.30pm in the Worship Centre.
Classes presenting at assembly this term are:
Date | Week | Class |
22/7/2024 | 1 | No assembly |
29/7/2024 | 2 | 1/2Z |
5/8/2024 | 3 | 5/6NZ |
12/8/2024 | 4 | 2/3T |
19/8/2024 | 5 | Foundation |
26/8/2024 | 6 | 5/6N |
2/9/2024 | 7 | 3/4RF |
9/9/2024 | 8 | 1/2AK |
16/9/2024 | 9 | 3/4R |
23/9/2024 | 10 | Art specialist / TK award |
All about Books - Term 3
Term 3 is ‘All about books!’
Week 5 (17/8 –23/8) is Book Week, the theme this year is ‘Reading is Magic’.
To celebrate all things books, students will have the opportunity to dress up as a book character, a specific book, or a combination of anything that makes reading magic.
When thinking about what costume the students would like to wear, we encourage the students to use items that they already have at home rather than purchasing specific costumes that can become very expensive. As always, we recommend that the costumes are weather and play appropriate.
Students will have the chance to participate in activities related to the shortlisted books throughout the week. More details will be shared closer to the time.
During the following weeks, 6/7 (26/8-6/9) we will hold a Book Fair.
This year the Book Fair will be a little different. Previously, Wynn Vale Primary School and Golden Grove Lutheran School have held 2 independent fairs, but this year we decided to come together as our Sunnybrook library to build our joint library collection. Rewards from purchases will directly benefit the joint Sunnybrook library.
Stay tuned for more details closer to the time.
PRC - Premiers Reading Challenge finishes at the end of week 7 (6/9) Term 3, so I would like to encourage the students to keep reading and recording their books.
Looking forward to celebrating all about books this term!
School Photos
School photos will take place on Tuesday 6 August. Family photos will also be taken on the day.
Students were given a photo envelop at the end of term 2 that had instructions for online payment, or money can be placed in the envelops and returned to school.
Please return all envelopes to the school by Friday 2 August.
Sibling envelopes can be collected from the Front Office.
Our school and church community are once again partnering together for the event to raise funds to combat modern day slavery. Everyone in the Golden Grove Lutheran Community and beyond can get involved.
What is the Pong?
All the funds raised will help combat modern day slavery through the work of the eight Pong partners (head to for more info).
How do we raise funds?
By people choosing to step forward and play ping pong at the event, and encouraging their friends/family to sponsor them.
How long does the event run for and when is it?
It will start at 11 am on Friday, August 16 and finish at 11 am on Saturday, August 17 (Week 4). The students will be kicking us off from 11am-3 pm on Friday and after that anyone else from the wider community can join in. Dinner will be provided at 5:45pm on Friday afternoon, and for brunch at 10:30am on Saturday morning.
Making Donations and Registering
All donations count - it doesn't matter how large or small it may be.
Parents and friends can make donations to the cause through the cash tins at the front office (donations are tax deductible), or online through and heading to the 'GGLPS Houses Battle' tab to find each house colour. The house with the most money raised will win a prize.
All are encouraged to participate; so if yourself, or any family friends would like to be involved you can create a fundraising page by heading to and selecting 'Join Team' and follow the prompts. From there you can share your fundraising page with your friends/family network and ask for donations.
We can’t wait to join together as a community to raise funds to combat modern day slavery!!!
Face Painter Wanted