

Ongoing Ministries

We have another action-packed year ahead at Golden Grove Lutheran Church, with a variety of programs and events on offer.

Every Sunday morning at 9:30am, we join together for fun and fellowship during this time. Our theme for the year is figures of faith, exploring key biblical characters in the bible. Each week we investigate these through games, craft, stories, and fun.



For those who have young ones (0-5) come along to Messy Music. Join us every Friday morning from 9:30-11 for sensory play and music time. This is a terrific opportunity for children to play and carers to connect. $4 a session ($6 a family) and bring your own snack.


A junior youth program for those in Foundation to year 5. Come along Friday afternoons from 3.45-5:30 to join in exploring about Jesus and time to connect with others through a variety of activities. 

For those in years 6 to 12, youth can experience many types of games and activities from Bible studies through to Pool nights. It is a safe place for youth to delve deeper in their relationship with God. Most Friday evenings from 7:15 – 9:30pm. $4 per child.


Join us the second last Friday of every term for Messy Church, a place for fun, fellowship and food. Come as a family to have fun doing a variety of activities before celebration time and finishing with dinner. This runs from 4:30-6:30, and donations are most welcome.


For further information on any of the above programs please contact Joel Schiller or Lauren Neumann and stay tuned for newsletter updates.


Church Newsletter

To subscribe to Golden Grove Lutheran Church weekly newsletter, please visit

Café Connect


Stamps for Mission

God has wonderful ways of turning simple gifts into great blessings. The Lutheran Church of Australia’s Stamps for Mission project has raised nearly $479,700! All proceeds are donated to LCA International Mission programs and projects. This is possible due to the dedication of volunteers who collect, clean, package and sell the stamps.If you would like to join in God’s mission in this way, please drop your stamps off into GGLC Office. For more information visit

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