
Gods' Unique Creations
Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8
What a wonderful week our first ever GLOW (grow, learn, own and wonder) Week at the end of Term 2 was! One of the real highlights has again been illustrating the beautiful community that we have at our school. We are so thankful for all of our staff, parent and church community volunteers who have given of their time, gifts, talents and interests to be able to share these passions with our students and to guide them in completing a project in an area of their interest over the course of the week.
When we then consider this verse from Isaiah, it is beautiful to recognise that despite our imperfections, we all have something special to offer, something that sets us apart from everyone else. Whether it is a talent, an interest or a character trait, Isaiah reminds us that we all have something to contribute, and that no one is truly ordinary or unexceptional because we are created by God.
What a great way of celebrating how beautifully and wonderfully made we are by God in our uniqueness and God given gifts that we can use to serve others.
Will Wallace