National Science Week

This year's National Science Week has been a fantastic journey into the world of species survival, with our students immersing themselves in learning and problem-solving activities centred around Australian threatened species.
Our junior students dived into open discussions about the urgent need to protect Australia's threatened species and brainstormed actionable steps to aid their survival. With clues, the students partcipatrd in a hint, scouring the room, discovering various animals cleverly hidden around them.
The Year 3/4 students had the unique opportunity to participate in a live stream hosted by CSIRO, focused on Koala tracking. They listened intently as experts shared their knowledge on tracking Koalas, understanding their populations, and monitoring their well-being across different habitats.
Our Year 5/6 students took on the ultimate challenge with a Science Week-themed Escape Room. In just 30 minutes, they tackled seven puzzles related to species survival. This activity not only tested their problem-solving skills but also reinforced their understanding of the complex issues surrounding species.