Principal Update

Thursday 15th August
Today’s update is coming on location at Healesville Sanctuary as we are enjoying our whole school excursion. This week is National Science Week with the theme of Species Survival - More than just sustainability. Today our students are doing a range of activities whilst at the Sanctuary including Culture and Connection to Place, Aboriginal Cultures and Safety and STEM; as well as seeing plenty of wildlife. It is such a nice thing to be able to do together. Thanks to Kate Watkins for her organisation which has included the weather. I hope your children have lots to share tonight about their day.
Japanese Maples
A couple of weeks ago a lovely handwritten letter was sent to the school addressed to the Headmaster/Headmistress. It was an invitation for our school to collect some bare-rooted Japanese Maple Trees. We jumped at the chance and last weekend planted 23 trees around the school as well as in the school carpark. We hope they thrive and reach their full potential as they will add some beautiful colour and shade around the school. We have some keen students who are wanting to water them which is nice. A great way to live our guideline of respecting our environment.
Vanuatu connections
Scott Kircher, who is on leave from Menzies Creek and currently teaching in Vanuatu has been connecting with Alison Scott as part of her literacy support program. This week the students met face to face online. This was a great opportunity to introduce themselves to their pen pals that they have been writing too. A great example of authentic purposeful writing. The students are wanting to send some Christmas cards and we are after anyone who may have any they can donate so we can get them in the post nice and early so they arrive in time.
Book Week – dress up day on Friday 23 August
This year the theme is Reading is Magic. Staff and students are invited to come dressed as a favourite character or book or author. Head to the website Children’s Book Council of Australia more information on shortlisted books that you might to share at home
Lots of events coming up
We have many events coming up so please make sure you check Compass and the calendar for what is happening and when.
An exciting event for our parents is happening next week.
Our school’s Parents Band “ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS" is participating/performing with a number of other local primary schools including Mt Dandenong PS, Kallista PS, Emerald PS in the 2024 Yarra Ranges Parents Battle of the Bands on Thursday, 22nd August at The Sooki Lounge in Belgrave. ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS are: Laura Lane, Duncan Schmoll, Geoff Lyon, Melissa Schroeder and Mark Calleja. Donna Markham is the band manager.
The funds raised are used to expand the performing arts/music education programs and help improve facilities for participating schools. It is also a great opportunity to connect and foster relationships with the other school communities. All proceeds will be redistributed pro-rata of parents’ attendance/number of tickets sold by each school.
Head over to @parents_battle_of_the_bands on Instagram and Facebook or the website to see what the fuss is about AND click on the link to purchase tickets
Father’s Day Stall and Year 5/6 Market
This is going to be happening on Friday 30 August. See Compass for further details.
Working Bee
This is planned for Friday 6 September from 3:30 – 5:00pm. This will be a chance to give the school a nice tidy up after winter.
Our Facilities subcommittee are also planning on installing our new goal posts on the oval. These will be a great addition for our students and will be able to play either AFL, soccer or rugby
Recognition for Philip
Philip Whitehouse, our dedicated School Crossing Supervisor will shortly achieve a milestone of 10 years of service with Yarra Ranges at Menzies Creek Primary School in early September. To celebrate this exceptional contribution, Yarra Ranges Council will be preparing a citation. We would greatly value any input or additional comments you may wish to include. If there are specific aspects of Philip’s work or contributions that you would like us to highlight, please let us know. Please complete this form with your thoughts by August 16th. Your feedback will assist us in acknowledging Philip’s outstanding service in a meaningful way. As a school we will also acknowledge this contribution. Thanks to those who have posted a message, they are nice to read.
Parent Opinion Survey
A reminder to check your Compass news feed for access to the DET Parent Opinion survey. This closes by August 30
Do you like to garden?
We have some parents in our community who are wanting to do some weeding before the end of the school day when the weather improves. If this sounds like something you would like to do please contact the office. It will provide a chance to catch up with other parents and help the school!
We will have assembly tomorrow at 2:45pm. We will be presenting awards from the previous fortnight, showcasing some students with great yo-yo skills and might even have a class presentation from 2NW.
Take care,
Dale McInerney