School Calendar

The week ahead
Friday 16th August - Assembly @ 2.45
22nd August - Battle of the Bands! Menzies has a band competing at Sooki Lounge
23rd August - Book Week dress up.
30th August - All about Dads - Father's Day stall, Social Event and Monster chocolate raffle drawn.
2024 Student Free Days
Monday 4 November
Term 3 dates to remember
4th September - Hoop Time Jnr
6th September - Junior Museum Visit
- Working Bee 3.30 - 5.30pm with BBQ provided
12th September - Whole School Production, tickets on sale now!
13th September - AFL Roadshow
16th - 18th September - Year 3/4 Camp to Gundiwindi Lodge
Term 4 dates
10th October - 28 November- Swimming program (Thursdays only)