Art @ PSC

Creative Victoria
Pakenham Secondary College are 1 of only 20 schools in Victoria who have obtained a grant from Creative Victoria. The grant was awarded for our submission for a cross-curricular project between our Year 7 English class and Years 9 and 10 Digital Art classes. Renowned artist, Tara Kingston, has been working with our years 7-10 students through a studio-based process of exploration, development and design of Claymation ‘critters’ in the creation of stop motion film.
This week in Year 9 Digital Art and Design, Ms Rhodes-Anderson and Ms Kingston explored the 12 Principles of Animation with their students. After learning these Principles, the students then worked in small groups to create a white board stop motion animation of their chosen Principle. They used an app called Stop Motion Studio, which will be the same app as their final stop motion video. Impressive work for their first videos!
Here is one of the videos that the students produced in their class on Thursday, 25th July.
Artist in Residence
Our Indigenous Artist in Residence, Sam Richards, has had a busy start to term, working with our Years 7 and 12 students. The main focus of the past two weeks has been to impart her immense knowledge of Indigenous culture to the students who have commenced an art / wood technology class this semester.
Year 12 VCE Art Making and Exhibiting
In conjunction with Ms Schinzig, Sam has had discussions with the students regarding their extended idea and how they intend to refine and resolve the idea in one artwork.
Year 7 Wood (7.1 and 7.2 home groups)
Sam provided an Introduction to Clap Sticks this week, including the history and use, safety and tools required. The students have already commenced the project by removing the bark from the clap sticks.
Year 7 Art (7.1 and 7.3 Home Groups)
Sam has been showing the students how to use traditional symbols on a canvas to create stories. Each student has created their own story as a drawing, and in this week's lesson, the students painted the background to their story onto a canvas. Ms Brouwer and Sam have also provided guidance in the important techniques to do this properly. In the next lesson, the students will layer their story on top of this background - with instructions on technique, more symbols and finer details.