Student Voice

Student Representative Council Update
The SRC has been working on a few different projects this year.
This term, the Events Committee will be holding a free dress day on Monday the 16th of September. The theme will be Sports. As it coincides with French Day, students are also encouraged to come to school dressed in French sports uniforms. All proceeds will go towards the Sports Access Foundation.
The Wellbeing Committee is working on updating the wellbeing posters around the school and is planning to host RUOK? Day this year on Thursday the 12th of September. We are still ironing out some details and will be promoting the event as soon as everything is set.
The Sustainability & Grounds Committee wants to thank everyone who participated in the survey last term. We received some great feedback and are in the process of drafting a proposal to enable the changes we hope to see.
Lastly, some of our SRC members participated in a leadership camp last term which proved to be very successful. We hope that anyone interested in becoming an SRC member next year will also sign up for this program.
Thanking you
The Student Representative Council
Caring for our Wildlife
On Wednesday, 17th July, 9.4 visited Lockey's Legacy, a local Wildlife and Rescue Sanctuary in Toomuc Valley, which is about a 15 minute drive from Pakenham Secondary College. We went there to learn about caring for injured native animals and to volunteer our time to help the sanctuary.
Locky's Legacy covers a large area of hilly, native bushland with a dam and a creek running through the end of the property, which provides a vital water source for wildlife. The wildlife known to inhabit the area include swamp wallabies, easatern grey kangaroos, echidnas, lyrebirds, sulphur-crested cockatoos, a variety of water birds, finches, robins and wrens, and of course, bare nosed wombats!
Locky’s Legacy is named after the first possum they received to care for at the shelter. Locky was a little Brushtail possum who, unfortunately didn't make it, but they decided to honour his memory by naming the shelter after him.
But who was Locky? He was a little Brushtail possum who passed away overnight unexpectedly in his sleep. He was a sweet little boy who loved life. We decided to name our shelter after him so his memory can live on.
During our visit, we met Don and his best mate, Daphne the duck, and we helped to unload a truck full of waste food from a Woolworths supermarket in Pakenham. This perfectly good food is saved from landfill and helps to feed all of the animals at the sanctuary. The work that they do to look after injured and abandoned animals in the area is vital.
Locky's Legacy has already looked after hundreds of injured and orphaned birds and animals since it was first established about seven years ago.
We all enjoyed the day immensely and hope to go again soon. We are planning to do some fund raising to help support the work of this important organisation.
Year 9.4