Music News

Welcome back to RPS Band for Term 3. We have a jam packed term for all our bands with lots of exciting events! Please put the following dates into your diaries.
Education Week - Tuesday 6th August
The Concert Band will play during the Education Week assembly.
Committee Meeting - Monday 5th August
The RPS Band Program is run by parent volunteers and we have a few key volunteers leaving at the end of the year. We would love more people to be involved with the Band Committee to keep the program running smoothly. Our next committee meeting will be held on Monday 5th August at 7.30pm, location TBC. More info to come! We’d love to see you there!
Ryde Eisteddfod - Thursday 15th August
The Roselea Concert, Junior and Training Bands will be taking part in the Ryde Eisteddfod at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club. A note will be sent home from school soon with more information.
Festival of Bands - Tuesday 27th August
Whole-day workshop with Carlingford HS bands and Roselea’s CB & JB and a half-day workshop for TB. The evening Festival of Bands concert will be held at Carlingford HS with ALL bands performing. Please Save the Date, as all band students are expected to attend. Tickets need to be purchased for all attending except the performing children.