Spotlight on Learning

Stage 1
2I has started Term 3 with energy, enthusiasm and excitement!
We began the week, catching up and reflecting on our holidays. Everyone was keen to share and hear about each other’s breaks.
2I worked hard during Phonics sessions, practising compound words.
This week for Maths, 2I have been working on Place Value. We have enjoyed practising our place value knowledge through using MAB blocks, bingo games and using hundreds chart to work out 10 more and 10 less.
2I and 2B successful ran the K-2 Assembly and 2I celebrated winning the Class award for fabulous assembly behaviour.
We topped off the week with celebrating 100 days of Kindergarten with KW and modelled expert counting.
Mrs Idstein- K-2 Assistant Principal
Stage 2
Students of 3S returned from the school holidays with smiles and energy. This week, they were introduced to their new class text, "Rowan of Rin" by Emily Rodda. "Rowan of Rin" is a classic chapter book without illustrations, requiring the students to rely on descriptive and figurative language used by the author to create mental images of the characters and settings.
After reading each chapter, students recorded features of the main character, Rowan, and wrote introductory paragraphs about him. Once they connected with the character, the focus shifted to appreciating the author's use of different saying verbs to reveal character qualities. Students practiced using a variety of saying verbs such as "snapped," "agreed," "whispered," and "demanded" in their own writing. They ensured proper use of speech marks to indicate the spoken parts of sentences. It has been incredible to see these students improve their writing skills daily.
Mr So - 3S Classroom Teacher
Stage 3
Welcome back to Term 3. I know our teachers and students are looking forward to many upcoming events and programs this term, including Education Week, Milson Island Camp, Year 6 leading Peer Support groups weekly and PASS program.
Students in 5C have started to present their speeches in class as part of the Hills Public Speaking competition. They showed excellent audience engagement skills, using eye contact, hand gestures and voice variation for effect. It is wonderful to see all students use public speaking skills in their speeches and sharing their opinions on the best invention. Here is Isabella who was the first student in 5C to present her speech.
We have also started the PASS program where Year 10 students from Carlingford High School coach our students across a range of sports. 5C really enjoyed the first session and are looking forward to developing their skills over the next few weeks.
Learning journeys will continue this semester, with students setting their learning goals for this term in English and mathematics. Here are some examples of the learning goals students reflected on at the end of term two in 5C. They are using their reflections to guide where to next when setting their learning goals for this term.
Mr Chong - Stage 3 Assistant Principal