PFA  & Community News 

PFA News 

Eltham North PS PFA  - Everyone is welcome!

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Eltham North PS PFA - Everyone is welcome!

Here’s the latest news….


The next meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday 31st, at 7pm, on school grounds. All are welcome. Please let us know if you are planning on attending. 

Meetings, 7pm at ENPS - put them in your diary

  • Term 3  Wednesday 4th Sep
  • Term 4  Wednesday 16th Oct
  • Term 4  Tues 19th Nov 7


We have many upcoming events being organised and supported by the PFA in the coming months. All of this good work can only happen with the support of our community, so please put up your hand if you can help in any way. We have working groups set up and new members are welcome. If you would like to help or volunteer time for particular events, please let us know via email  or you can join a WhatsApp working group (see links below). 


Walkathon, Term 3 Thurs 1st Aug

  • Helpers needed from 8:45am until 10:30am, to stand along the track and cheer kids along.
  • A great number of volunteers have already signed up. There are still a couple of spaces so if you would like to help out on the morning, use this Signup link:


Special Footy Lunch, Wed 11th Sep


Disco, Fri 25th October

  • WhatsApp working group -
  • To be run in the hall during the day, for each year level at a time. Picture lights, music and a whole lot of cute dancing. 
  • We a looking for a DJ to volunteer time and also possibly equipment. Please drop us a line if you have any leads on this.
  • A small crew of volunteers will also be needed to support the event on the day. 


Grade 6 Graduation, December 16th

  • ENPS are looking for 8 x Grade 5 parent volunteers this year to help serve supper at the Grade 6 graduation event. 
  • The aim is to make this a yearly tradition.

Working Bees - Dates TBC

Colour Run - Date TBC



PFA connections

If you want to stay in the know and find out where you can pitch in, please join our PFA WhatsApp thread, join the next PFA meeting and keep an eye on this newsletter section.                     

WhatsApp GroupJoin the conversation 

PFA events for 2024 will be posted to  the ENPS Website Calendar   





Community Activities