News and Events

Please check Compass for this weeks' news and events.

Compass Events:

Year 6 Term 2-3 Interschool Sport 2024
District Athletics Carnival 2024
Year 2 Team Building Incursion 2024
Yr 5/6 Production: Peter Pan
Year 5 Fill in Permission Term 2 & 3 Interschool Sport
Year 4 Edendale Farm Excursion 2024

Compass News:

Peter Pan Production - Year 5/6 - Tickets are now available.
​Book Club Issue 5
Reminder Second Hand Uniform Sale Friday August 9th
2024 ICAS Assessments in English and Mathematics
Change of Date for next PFA meeting
Prep Enrolments for 2025 - Closing soon

Girsl Soccer 

Our Girls Soccer team completed in Division yesterday with a hard-fought second placing. The girls showed determination and persistence, scoring 8 goals over the competition. 

Congratulations girls on a fantastic effort - we are all very proud of you



Wellbeing Newsletter