Walking Humbly with God
By Matt Edwards (Secondary Chaplain)
Now, we get to the tricky bit.
We are looking at the last part of Micah 6:8 today: Walking humbly with God. I know that some of you will have many questions at this point, and there is no way that they can all be addressed in this article. So, I encourage you to speak with someone about them if they remain stuck in your brain!
What does it mean to walk humbly with God?
Let me begin with Jesus.
If we think about Jesus, we see someone who is just and merciful. But he was also somebody that we can say ‘walked humbly with God’. Let me put that another way: He lived his life under the governance of another. And arguably, he would not have been as merciful and just, if in fact he did not walk humbly with God. You might think this sounds dangerous, and it can be. But it all depends on who we are willing to be under the governance of.
We can think of Jesus in these ways here, which will be helpful for us:
Jesus as the mediator: He is the one who is merciful and just towards us. Though we had a broken relationship with God, Jesus made a way for that relationship to be restored to what God originally intended it to be.
Jesus as the master: This is what I mean, the tricky bit. In the bible, Philippians chapter 2, says that Jesus not only made himself just like us in our humanity, but that God also gave him the name that is above all other names. The Lord. This can be translated as Master. So walking humbly means that we see how Jesus has treated others, and us, and then what it means to live under his governance.
Jesus as the mentor: But people that choose to be under his governance, are also guided, taught and encouraged by him, in how to live justly and mercifully.
You may have recognised that I am talking about more than just ‘being good’. In fact, I am talking about being made good, by God. Being changed, to be like him.
How does this help our kids? Ask any staff member, about a time when God has comforted them in their pain. Or what it means that Jesus is our mediator, master and mentor? I think you will find that there has been a profound impact that Jesus has had on their life, and has helped them to be a more merciful and just person, as they have trusted in him.
For more information that explores this topic please follow the below links:
We know that it can sometimes be hard to find the necessary resources in relation to mental health, bullying and family violence, especially when things are tough. For this reason, the School has a small webpage with links related to health and wellbeing resources. This can be found on the School's website under Other Resources or can be found here.