Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,
It was lovely again this morning to watch the children as I was on duty this morning, enjoying the new artificial turf areas outside the Foundation rooms that were installed over the school holidays. Cartwheels and breakdance moves were the order of the morning …. I was only an appreciative audience!
It seems to be that since its introduction in our newsletter, Kids TV is receiving quite a few ‘hits’ by the school and families. If you haven’t yet hooked into this yet,
SchoolTV is a well organised hub of wellbeing resources (Wellbeing page of newsletter) for families, teachers and schools.
We are grateful to Julie, our Wellbeing Leader, who chooses topics each week that are relevant to special seasons, dates and events and makes these available on the Wellbeing page of the newsletter with a click on the SchoolTV logo. This week's topic is Grief & Loss coincides with the Term 3 ‘Seasons’ program being run by Julie. If you are looking for articles previously published on the newsletter, use the ‘STV Home’ link at the top of the SchoolTV page to access these.
If you are looking for other topics of interest to you, use the ‘All Editions’ link also at the top of the page to search through a broad range of topics that are organised under headings such as Managing Screen time, Sleep, Mindfulness and much more.
Tomorrow our Netball team will board the bus early to begin the trip to the State Netball Centre in Parkville where they will compete alongside teams from other schools around the state. Many thanks to Nicole Lynch, our Sport’s Leader and Sally Montano, the coach, who will be accompanying the team. We wish them all well.
Parents of children in Year 3 and Year 5 can expect their child’s NAPLAN results to come home this week. Enclosed in the envelope will also be a guide to reading these results. These results will also be made available on your PAM account.
This weekend many Year 3 children will begin their preparation to be Confirmed and receive their First Communion at the ‘Presentation Masses’. Staff will be on hand in the foyer to guide families as they arrive at both the Saturday evening Mass at 6pm and the Sunday Mass at 11am. We look forward to seeing you there.
Jane (on behalf of all staff)