A note from Mr Jackson

2025 Enrolments
This week we have begun confirming enrolments of children about to enrol in prep for 2025. We look forward to forwarding these families information and dates scheduled for the upcoming orientation sessions for both children and parents.
If your family is preparing a move from Rosanna Primary School in 2025, I encourage you to contact me to ensure transition arrangements can support your child. Clarity around student enrolments for 2025 is vital to ensure the most effective class structures and workforce plan is moulded to fit the needs of our community. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Working Bee Invite
Saturday 10 August 9am to 12noon
You're invited to give back to our school community with a little bit of time at the Working Bee scheduled for Saturday 10 August. We will start at 9am and enjoy a sausage sizzle at 12noon. Our hope is for a warmer day to repaint some zig zag lines and get moving on our frog bog, outside the art room. Every hand makes a difference and your participation is greatly appreciated.
Concluding Three Way Conferences
Thanks to all who shared in the Three Way Conferences over the past two weeks. This year we have held our conferences over two weeks to ensure a range of parents can be involved. It has been positive to speak with teachers, students and parents about the value of the conversation around the learning evidence presented by each student.
Parent Carer Survey Available
A compass news feed item was posted this week inviting all families to complete a Parent/Carer/Guardian survey. This survey provides the school with data, ideas and views to help shape school improvement actions. I urge all households to complete the survey once. Additional supports in a range of languages are available upon request. Thanks for your contribution to help shape our school.
100 Days of Primary Education
A special congratulations to our prep students this week, who will celebrate 100 days of Primary Education on Friday. They are older and certainly wiser from their experiences and learning since their arrival. They may be a little older, and frailer on Friday, I encourage everyone to help them up the stairs and to look after them.
Interschool Sports
Our interschool sports see us play Heidelberg Primary this week. We look forward to hearing students’ sports reports at the assembly. We are sure students will give their best!
Book Week Celebrations
Our Book Week Fair sprang to life on Wednesday afternoon. Over the coming days students will be visiting in classes and considering some of their favourites! The book fair is open to families in the afternoons between 3:45pm and 4:15pm today, Friday, Monday and Tuesday to make purchases.
Celebrations will reach a crescendo as students dress up on Monday as a favourite book character. Make sure students come with the book from which their character is found! Don’t miss the parade in the afternoon scheduled for 2:30pm, it’s always a fun time acknowledging the rich life reading can bring.
Collaboration Day
The playground was splattered with yellow on Tuesday as Collaboration Day was promoted. Students participated in a range of collaborative activities in Learning Areas and explored some of the skills required to achieve a range of goals. A special thanks to students and teachers who collaborated in making the day such a fun experience.
Student Leadership Morning
9 August 9:00am
In just two weeks, our assembly will be moved from the Friday afternoon to the Friday morning as we celebrate our recently elected student representatives of the Junior School Council and Sustainability Team. We are looking forward to hosting a visit from the Federal Member, Kate Thwaites, who will present the badges on this significant occasion. Parents and family members of students who will be presented with their badges are invited to stay for morning tea, hosted by FORPS. This is an opportunity to celebrate student achievement and mark this significant moment in the life of our community.
Life Education
Next Wednesday our Life Education visitors arrive. We are looking forward to the new insights and learnings around health and wellbeing scheduled for each class. These lessons are a favourite of students who have the opportunity to investigate different themes related to health education.
Thanks to all those who have enrolled in the ICAS assessments over the coming four weeks. Registrations are now closed. We look forward to hosting the first assessment this coming Monday in the area of Writing. It is great to see so many keen to challenge themselves in these assessments.
School Council Update
School Council met online on Monday night. Here is a little of what they experienced...
- NAPLAN – a summary of 2025 NAPLAN data was shared. A highlight was the ongoing strength of students relative growth in mathematics from Yr3 to Yr5, beyond similar schools.
- Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) – the review of the AIP was received by the Council.
- Attitudes to School Survey – an initial review of the 2024 Yr4-6 engagement and wellbeing data highlighted the high expectations of staff, as well as emphasis on attendance by parents. Further investigation by students will shape responses in classrooms by students and staff.
- 5/6 Camp – Council endorsed the Alexandra Adventure Resort as the destination of students in the 5/6 Learning Area in 2025. They received a report on the activities, accommodation and draft risk management documentation prepared by staff.
- FORPS Report – discussion centered around the recent FORPS Disco and the upcoming plans for the FORPS Trivia Night scheduled for Saturday 31 August