Learning and Teaching Update

'We aim to provide a school environment where ‘Every person can flourish and be known’ This means that our teaching program identifies the unique needs of each individual student, and delivers a learning program designed to grow them into the best person that they can be'.

Dear Parents and Carers


What an exciting start to Term Three with a lot of learning opportunities planned for the next few weeks and those that have already happened. 


The Athletics Carnival was truly a fun, exciting and competitive day for our students at Ross Reserve. It was great to see the positive way in which the four teams supported and cheered their teammates on in the true spirit of sportsmanship. 


The Grandparents and Special Persons Mass was also a lovely occasion to celebrate with the community and acknowledge the role these wonderful people play in our lives. 


NAPLAN 2024 results have been distributed to all students who undertook the test in Year 3 and 

Year 5

  • We are so proud of how our students have done this year. In Year 3, 74.4% of students placed in the ‘Strong’ and ‘Exceeding’ bands in Reading, 85.1% of students placed in the ‘Strong’ and ‘Exceeding’ bands in Writing, and 56.25% of students placed in the ‘Strong’ and ‘Exceeding’ bands in Numeracy.
  • In Year 5, 77.8% of students placed in the ‘Strong’ and ‘Exceeding’ bands in Reading, 85.2% of students placed in the ‘Strong’ and ‘Exceeding’ bands in Writing, and 77.8% of students placed in the ‘Strong’ and ‘Exceeding’ bands in Numeracy.


There are a number of events coming up in August and September. We have Children's Book Week which we will celebrate in the week from 17th to 23rd August. This year’s theme is Reading is Magic. There will be a Book Week Costume Parade on Friday, 30th August, so it might be a good opportunity to have a conversation with your child about the character they would like to come dressed as. 


In September, we look forward to the Art Exhibition where we will have the St Anthony’s artists on show with their magnificent artworks. 


Have a wonderful weekend ahead.

Kind regards


Glennis Kerr

Teaching and Learning Leader