Learning News

Learning News Weeks 3-4, Term 3 2024


Learning News

Is it Week 5 already?  The weeks are flying and we are almost halfway through our new term.  Our classrooms have been humming along with a variety of wonderful learning activities and the students have enjoyed cultural and sporting events as well, both at school and further afield.


Recently, our school choir and the winners of the competitions walked to the CWA rooms to entertain the CWA members and help celebrate the achievements of our clever students and prize winners for their work on the country of study - France.  On display were the colouring, postcards and PowerPoint booklets made by our students and those of the Central School, which the students were excited to show their friends.  The choir performed two items “My Lighthouse” by Rend Collective and “Love Story” by Taylor Swift, both showcasing love, fitting for the city of love, Paris, which is found in France. Congratulations to all of the students who represented St Michael’s so well in both skills and voice.  The CWA ladies very much enjoyed the event.



Kindergarten enjoyed the nice weather on Tuesday and had two fun, engaging lessons outdoors. This week in Writing, we have been learning about fairytales. We learned that each fairytale has a beginning-middle and end. The children enjoyed creating some puppets from The Three Little Pigs and had a fantastic time retelling the story using little houses they created from sticks, twigs and leaves outdoors. In Science, we concluded our unit on Living Things by investigating the uses of living things. The children learned about traditional shelter making and created their own mini shelters using the natural materials found outdoors.  Wonderful hands on work Kinder

Miss Fraser. 

Year 1

Last week, we said goodbye to Mrs Irwin who has completed her first teaching Prac at St Michael’s School. We have greatly enjoyed our time together and want to say thank you for teaching us in so many subjects. We wish you all the best for the rest of your teaching career! 


In Science this term, Year 1 has been learning about digital systems. We can now identify examples of hardware and software. We found different types of digital systems in our classroom and around the school. Next, we explored how living things change as they grow up. We have been researching different animals and we then named and ordered the stages of their life cycles. Following that, we used the software “ChatterPix” to add a voice over to our life cycle posters we made. Cracking job Year 1! 

Mrs Irwin, Miss Myers and Mrs G. 


**To view the children's videos, please click on the blue box then click on the square with the arrow icon.


Year 2

Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed the 2024 Olympics! To show our excitement, we made olympic statues using aluminium foil. This lesson focused on the visual element of form which is all about how something looks in 3D. This activity required the use of fine motor skills to manipulate the foil through various techniques such as squeezing, scrunching and rolling. The students chose a variety of sports to represent such as gymnastics, weight lifting and soccer. Great job year 2! 

Miss Rasche 

Year 3/4

Last week, Year 3/4 were learning about three-dimensional (3D) objects in Mathematics. Students learnt to identify the difference between prisms and pyramids and their attributes including the number of vertices, faces and edges as well as their base shapes. Year 3/4 used their gained knowledge to build 3D objects using connecting blocks and then practised sketching different views of various 3D objects. Amazing work this week Year 3/4!  

Miss Maunder 

Gwyn Kelly
Alice Coombes
Makayla Wilcox
Gwyn Kelly
Alice Coombes
Makayla Wilcox

Year 5

In Religion this Term, Year 5 has a focus on Creation. In our unit we have focused on our role as Stewards of Creation, meaning that we are looking to safeguard the environment from potential dangers or threats. As part of our learning we have identified key issues that are impacting our environment. In one activity the students worked in groups in order to think more deeply about these issues using the Six Thinking Hats. This is a critical thinking tool that encourages students to study and reflect on the problem from many different perspectives and try to work out some possible solutions. What fantastic work from Year 5 this week, along with some of our Year 6 students who assisted in this lesson. - Mr Beaumont.

Year 6

In Religion, Year 6 has been learning about the Sabbath and the need for Sabbath time in our lives. Taking ‘sabbath’ time is an important way of tuning in and responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  We need time, when work is put aside, to gain a respite and relax, to nourish our relationships with others and with the environment. Spending quality time with family and friends, enjoying cultural, social and leisure pursuits is a means of doing this. To promote this idea, students worked in groups to create a video about the Sabbath. Phenomenal work Year 6! 

Miss Summerell

** To view the movie, please click on the download button (left side icon)