Mission and Religious Education

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission

Mission and Religious Education

Celebrating the Sacraments


Please note the time change to 5.00pm rather than 6.00pm as previously advised. Apologies for any inconvenience.

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Saturday 21 September at the 5.00pm Mass. A note will be sent home next week via email and as a hardcopy to families of all Confirmation Candidates.


NSW Catholic Schools Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Conference Message Stick

This year the Armidale Diocese is hosting the NSW Catholic Schools Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Conference. This year’s theme is: Spirit on Country - Learning Together then, now and always. There is a Conference Message Stick that is a key part of each conference and the same message stick is then used in the next conference. In preparation for this year’s conference the Message Stick is spending a week in each of our diocesan schools and their parishes. 


On Saturday 24 August the Message Stick will be at Father Curran’s Jubilee Mass, a lovely reminder of the important work he has done with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The Message Stick will also be in St Michael’s Church for the vigil Mass.

On Monday 26 August the Message Stick will be in St Michael’s School for the week until Friday 30 August. We are looking forward to the arrival of The Conference Message Stick and learning more about it.

Upcoming Dates

Saturday 24 August - St Michael’s Parish Celebration of Father Curran’s “Golden Jubilee”

Saturday 24 August - Friday 30 August The Message Stick for the NSW Catholic Schools Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Conference hosted by the Armidale Diocese will be in our Parish and School. This year’s theme is: Spirit on Country - Learning Together then, now and always.

Thursday 29 August - Father Curran’s “Golden Jubilee” Mass - St Michael’s School attending

Saturday 21 September - Confirmation 


Connecting With Our Parish

Weekend Mass Times

We encourage all of our families to celebrate Sunday Mass with our parish.

Manilla Parish Mass Times

1st Sunday of the month - Sunday 8.30am

2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday of the month - Saturday 5.00pm

Attunga Mass Times

2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday of the month - Sunday 12 noon


Father Curran’s “Golden Jubilee”

Congratulations to Father Curran on the upcoming celebration of the 50th Anniversary of his priestly ordination. This is a very special occasion for Father Curran. St Michael’s Parish will celebrate Father Curran’s “Golden Jubilee” on Saturday 24 August, with Mass followed by lunch at the Manilla Services Club. 


On Thursday 29 August, it is expected that 22 priests from around the Armidale Diocese will join with Father Curran to celebrate his priestly ordination with Mass at 11am. Staff and students from St Michael’s school will also be attending this Mass, along with other parishioners and visitors to our parish.


We are very much looking forward to celebrating this very momentous occasion with Father Curran and thank him for his 50 years of service and for the support and guidance he gives to all of us here at St Michael’s School. We are very blessed to have Father Curran as our Parish Priest.


Living Well, Learning Well - Pastoral Care and Wellbeing 

Legends of the Light Shine 

Today we introduced our new Legends of the Light Shine focus for the next 2 weeks “Respect”. Respect is one of our School Rules for Living. I am valued, respected and cared for and I value, respect and care for others. We also looked at how we show respect to God and our surroundings.

C2S Committee - Lighting the Way Collection

Our C2S Committee has decided to extend the collection of clothes, toys and other goods that families in need could use for another week. Thank you to all those who have donated items. All items will be donated locally to help those in our own community.

“Let Your Light Shine” support others to let their light shine and remember “We Shine Brighter Together”

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission