Library Leaders Award

School Library Association of Victoria School Leaders Award
Late last term the library staff nominated our principal, Chris Jones for the SLAV School Leaders Award. The award is ‘made to a school leader who demonstrates outstanding support of the school library and the work of the school library team.’
We are very pleased to say Chris was a joint winner of this award. The SLAV awards are dominated by independent schools and Chris was the only government school winner. This has been a great cause for celebration for us!
Since Chris’s arrival in 2022 there has been an upswing in support from the school leadership team for the library. Describing the library as ‘the heart of the school’ Chris and his team have supported the wider reading program and the Premiers Reading Challenge for years 7 and 8.
During Chris’s short time as Principal the library has been able to introduce and produce Lib Guides for the school’s various faculties. Additional databases and Press Reader have also been introduced.
With the leadership team’s support, the library undertook a comprehensive assessment of resources and a ‘decolonisation project’ under the guidance of First Nations academic, Dr. Al Fricker of Deakin University.
Under Chris’s leadership, the NHS School Council allocated additional funds to update library resources. Due to the updating of the nonfiction library loans in this collection have doubled.
Perhaps Chris’s biggest undertaking in support of the library has been to oversee the building project including a new 21st century library with increased learning, study and recreational spaces, an updated collection and new facilities for library staff.
Congratulations Chris and thanks for your ongoing support of the John Cain Library.
The Library Team – Richard, Dannielle and Diana