Year 8 Italian

Sharing delicious Italian recipes
This term, year 8 Italian classes studied food-related vocabulary and grammar. For their final CAT, students choose an Italian recipe and then translated it. Some made the recipe at home and brought it to class to share. Dishes included: cannoli, chocolate cake, almond biscuits, orange and polenta cake. Here are some student reflections:
For our Italian CAT, we learnt about Italian food and vocabulary. For the CAT, we had to complete a booklet, do a test and finally bring in an Italian dish. We brought in Ricciarellis, which are almond biscuits made from almond meal, egg whites, sugar and lemon. We then shared them with the class.
- Finlay Lyon, 8L and Saskia Novella, 8L
As part of the Italian CAT, we had to make an Italian dish. For my choice of dish, I decided to make an orange and polenta syrup cake. Some of the main ingredients included orange and polenta with a marmalade and orange juice glaze, which really enhanced the flavour. The cake took about 2 hours to make in its entirety with about 1 hour baking time alone.
- Molly Newall, 8K