From the Library

eBooks available all Summer
The library has a huge range of eBooks and Audiobooks available for you to borrow online over the Summer Holidays. There are a variety of different categories to choose from such as Fantasy, classics, biographies, #OZYA, and more.
Go straight to the Wheelers icon on the John Cain Library page and log in using your NHS email and compass password or using the QR code below.
You can read eBooks or listen to audiobooks online via your internet browser or download the Wheelers App onto your device. Once you borrow a book it will stay on your record for two weeks and then automatically drop off at the end of the loan period. It is also possible to renew your books and make reservations.
Ripples – The School Yearbook
The final draft of Ripples, the school yearbook is now with the printers. Students will be notified as soon as hard copies become available. A pdf copy will also be made available to all families.
The Library Team– Richard, Dannielle and Diana wish the school community a very happy holiday.