New school name

Moving forward with a new name
As we move towards 2025, the school is proud to announce it's new name: Bindjiroo Yaluk Community School. For over forty years the school has carried the 'Lynall Hall' name across different suburbs - far from the original building in which the school was established - and acquired new facilities and additional campuses along the way. As the school has evolved, the significance of school's original name has faded. Our new name reflects the school's current reality as a multi-campus community school and recognises its location on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri.
Bindjiroo Yaluk means 'two rivers' in the local Woiwurrung language. The name recognises the proximity of our campuses to the Yarra River and Merri Creek and the importance of their confluence as a meeting place of local groups prior to the arrival of Europeans.